Opt for our car towing service in Montreal at a cheap price.

You are never safe from mechanical failure, a flat tire or a dead battery. Therefore, it is important to know how to manage the situation at the time of the incident. Call us and get in touch with our team of low-cost car breakdown and car towing services.

Our technicians have the necessary skills to excel in the execution of tasks related to the Ménard towing service.

For several years, our experts have been able to increase their skills and develop the necessary assets to shine in the field. Our state-of-the-art tools are very useful to get any vehicle out and back to the repair shop.

The experts of our company strive to get the damaged or broken down car in good conditions to the desired location. They do not drive very fast and they avoid freeways and expressways. Thus, you can enjoy a Ménard towing service that preserves your vehicle.


Car Towing

Duis laboris ball tip jowl sed. Drumstick leberkas tenderloin swine laborum cupim bacon ipsum jowl meatball t-bone.

Hail Damage

Strip steak turkey prosciutto exercitation cillum elit. Enim ham velit aute jerky ras. Anim landjaeger andouille.

Flood Insurance Coverage

Shankle pastrami jerky spare ribs pancetta hamburger aute occaecat andouille corned beef quis capicola fugiat ea flank.

Accident Insurance

T-bone laborum esse tongue, consequat elit short ribs cow cupidatat sed fugiat fatback. Velit dolor frankfurter pork loin.

Fire Insurance

Turkey turducken nulla pork chop shankle biltong ipsum mollit brisket non boudin. Frankfurter porchetta cow aliquip.

Motorcycle Towing

Bresaola pork consequat exercitation, voluptate pork loin brisket capicola officia incididunt ground round cupim.